Monthly Archives: February 2017

Intervention, Writing

Why My Writers were Struggling & What I did About It

Struggling writers. I will never forget the Aha moment when I realized WHY writing was so hard for my students. It was my second year of teaching, mid-writing lesson, mid way through our year in first grade. I had modeled, read great mentor texts, modeled, modeled, and modeled some more, and it JUST didn’t seem to be helping the majority…

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Intervention, Math

Dab & Learn Number Sense Math Activities

I don’t know about you, but my favorite learning activities are those that normally the most simple. They’re typically my students’ favorite activities as well. Today I want to share some simple activities to that will help your students build their number sense in a fun and engaging (and simple) way. If you’ve been reading my blog, following me on…

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