

Wordless Wednesday: Thrown Together Projects are the Best!

Happy Wednesday! You might have noticed that I link up with Wordless Wednesday a lot. Well, That’s because Miss Decarbo’s linky is GENIUS! It’s fun, easy, and just the amount of blogging I can handle right now. 😉 This week’s picture is actually from last week. I need to change out our back to school student work display (yes, I…

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Classroom Organization, Writing

Informational Writing Books for K-2 (Lucy Calkins)

Informational writing can be a struggle with lower elementary students, but in this post, I’ll share with you how I was able to help my 2nd graders create detailed and age appropriate informational writing booklets on topics they were comfortable writing about. Watch my Facebook live on this topic here. In February, I blogged about using the Lucy Calkins common…

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