Closed Syllable and Open Syllable Practice Science of Reading


Categories: , Product ID: 10276


Closed syllables and open syllables are important reading skills to understand for decoding text in a science of reading based approach. Use this resource in your first or second grade classroom to help your students learn about open and closed syllabled types in a student friendly way!

Teaching open and closed syllables can make a huge difference in how your students both decode (read) and encode (write) words.

This resource includes:

  • Closed syllable poster
  • Open syllable poster
  • blank closed syllable house
  • blank open syllable house
  • 32 closed syllable word cards- these cards contain words with only closed syllables and range from 1 syllable CVC words to 3 syllable words
  • 24 open syllable word cards- these cards contain words with only open syllables and include common 1 syllable words up to 3 syllable words
  • 24 open and closed syllable word cards- these cards contain words with both open and closed syllables
  • 3 cut and glue word sorts
  • 1 closed syllable house practice sheet
  • 1 open syllable house practice sheet

I hope this resource is as useful in your classroom as it has been in mine!

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