Measurement & Data 1st Grade: Activities by the Standards Bundle


Compare Length: 1.MD.A.1

Non-Standard Measurement: Measuring with Cubes and Clips 1.MD.A.2

Time to the Hour and Half Hour: Read the Clock 1.MD.A.3

Graph and Chart Data: Organize, Represent, & Interpret 1.MD.C.4

Category: Tags: , , , Product ID: 7196


Measurement, Non-Standard Measurement, Time, and Graphing: This bundle includes one pack for each Measurement & Data Common Core first grade math standard.

****This is part of my First Grade Activities By the Standards Bundle. If you’ve already purchased that, you don’t need to purchase this.****

If you want to streamline your math instruction, cut out planning time, and ensure that you hit every first grade math skill in the Measurement & Data strand, than this is the pack for you.

Each pack in the bundle contains:
Teach It Guide
Original, Fun Song
Posters for teaching content
Interactive Notebook Activities
At least 5 practice pages/activities
Assessment Checklist
Answer Keys

*Note: You can see each pack in it’s entirety by clicking on the individual resources and then viewing the previews.

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