This resource is designed to go with my series: Phonics Rules for Teachers (and how the heck to teach ‘em).
In this resource, I’ve provided you with a cheat sheet to help you remember all of the important vocabulary, facts, and info you need to teach your students phonics with confidence.
I’ve also included student visuals that simply explain different key concepts, and templates and activities to practice with your students.
This is a growing resource which means that, as long as I’m adding new episodes to Phonics Rules for Teachers, this resource will continue to expand!
Be sure to check back every week or so to download the new version with updated and new cheat sheets and student facing resources.
This resource currently includes:
A cheat sheet on:
letter names, letter sounds, consonants and vowels
decoding and encoding
a simple, sample phonics scope and sequence
short vowels
closed syllables
consonant Digraphs
ck vs c
long vowel sounds
open syllables
top 12 teaching strategies
- silent e syllables
- tch vs ch at the end of the syllable
- y as a vowel at the end of the syllable
- vowel teams- generally
Student posters/visuals for:
letter names and sounds
syllable types
closed syllable
open syllable
silent e syllable
jobs of silent e
r controlled syllable
vowel team syllable
consonant le syllable
all short vowels
short a
short e
short i
short o
short u
consonant digraphs
k vs ck
long vowel sounds
long a
long e
long i
long o
long u
ch and tch
- y spelling i
- y spelling e
Practice Sheets for:
be the teacher closed syllable practice
label it closed syllables
be the teacher open syllable practice
label it open syllables
word mapping template
snowball fight template
- targeted journal entry template
Letter, Words, and Sentences Cards for:
lowercase consonants
uppercase consonants
lower and uppercase vowels
closed syllable words- 30 cards
sh words- 15 cards
ch words- 15 cards
th words- 15 cards
ng words- 15 cards
ending ck words- 15 cards
ending k words- 15 cards
open syllable words- 30 cards
silent e syllable words- 30 cards
tch words- 15 cards
ch words- 15 cards
closed syllable sentence strips- 20 strips
digraph sentence strips- 20 strips
open syllable sentence strips- 20 strips
silent e syllable sentence strips- 20 strips
- tch sentence strips- 20 strips
- y spelling long i sentence strips- 20 strips
- y spelling long e sentence strips- 20 strips