Writing, Reading, and Fluency Practice Star Stories


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Writing, reading, and fluency practice all in one 10 minute a day activity! Star stories is a classroom writing and reading routine that is a perfect morning work/bellringer activity. Over the course of a week, students work to write, edit, and then present their original story in a student centered way that gives students voice, choice, and ownership over the creative process. When paired with science of reading practices, it’s sure to help develop your student’s decoding and encoding skills in context.

Star stories focus on a variety of skills such as:

•sentence writing

•handwriting and spacing

•spelling with letter sound knowledge

•understanding story structure


•reading fluency

•public speaking

•listening and being a good audience member

Check out the preview here to see a more detailed explanation of how Star Stories work.

How Do Star Stories Work?

On the first day, students are given a star sentence. This is the sentence they use to begin their story. They write the star sentence and then add one sentence of their own.

On the next two days, they also add another sentence and then illustrate a picture to match their story.

During the 3rd day, the teacher edits the short story with students in pen above the students’ writing. (This allows the teacher to later see what things students needed to correct.) Then, students fix their mistakes.

On the 4th day, students pair up and practice reading and listening to their stories many times for about 10 minutes. This allows them to practice reading it many times so they begin to feel fluent and comfortable with their story.

On the 5th day, the teacher selects 5 students and they get to read their story aloud to their classmates during the weekly Star Story Showcase!

What is included in this resource:

  • A detailed explanation of how star stories works in my classroom
  • A blank star story template for students
  • 50 slides with star story starter sentences
  • An editable slide where you can write your own starting sentence
  • A PDF and Google Slides version (both versions include the same things)
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