Author page: Primary Paradise

Enrichment, Reading, Story Elements

Dialogue, Dinosaurs, and the Adele of the PreSchool Crowd

We are the Dinosaurs Marching, Marching! We are the dinosaurs! Whaddya think of that? If you have little kids or teach little kids, chances are you sang that catchy tune just like I did! If you’re already a Laurie Berkner fan, you’re in for a treat today, and if you’re not, than you need to immediately head over to her…

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Classroom Organization, Math, Misc., Reading

Turn Classroom Trash into Instructional Treasure: Make & Take Round Up

In case you missed any of April’s Make & Take Facebook live videos or blog posts on how to take classroom waste and make it useful, I wanted to do a quick round up! All of these ideas can be quickly and easily made with items you already have in your classroom such as dried up marker caps, empty fruit…

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Classroom Management, Enrichment, Misc.

How To Repurpose Empty Tissue Boxes & Engage Your Class

If you teach elementary school, you’ve got tissue boxes. Am I right? The incredible pace in which students can go through a box of tissues has always astounded and amazed me. It also always leaves me with empty boxes upon empty boxes. So, today I’m going to share how you can use that stack of empty tissue boxes to engage…

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Math, Phonics

Dried Up Glue Caps? Engage Your Students with this Free Game

Today we’re continuing our Make & Take Series: Turning Classroom Trash Into Instructional Treasure! So far we’ve made Fruit Cup Dice Holders and Marker Cap Finger Pointers.  This week I’m going to share a way to reuse glue stick or bottle caps to make a fun game for students. If you’ve been stock piling them because you knew they would be useful…

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Classroom Management, Math

Dice on The Floor? DIY Dice Holders to the Rescue!

Teacher, I dropped my dice again! I don’t know about you, but my class loves a good game, especially if dice are involved. It’s wonderful how engaged they always are, but I always have a few students who struggle to keep them off the floor. Today, I’m going to share a tip to help your students keep their dice on their desk using…

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