Tag: reading

Home Support, Reading

Help Parents Help Their Kids with this Free Word Work Support Guide

Whether your school requires you to send home spelling words, or your students’ parents want to work on sight words, many parents want spelling word and sight word support to help their children learn new words. However, parents often aren’t sure how to support their children. They might feel like the only option is paper and pencil practice or flashcards.…

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Intervention, Phonics, Reading

The Truth About Sight Words: What Science Says About Making Sight Words Stick

Sight words are words that you just have to memorize because they don’t “follow the rules”, right? Actually, wrong! Many of us, including myself, have taught this for years. In fact, I was taught this as a student. However, this is just not true. The good thing is that the truth is this: sight words actually CAN be sounded out.…

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Start Your Year Off Right by Giving Your Students the Power to Choose

One of my favorite ways to start the school year, or even the new year, is by focusing on students’ having the power to choose. The Power to Choose which comes from the What Should Danny Do? and What Should Darla Do? books, teaches children that they can make choices that impact their day. It also teaches them the power…

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Intervention, Reading

5 Simple Ways to Help Reluctant Readers Enjoy Reading

Reluctant readers, or simply students who don’t show much interest in reading, need support to help them be successful in school. As students, and then adults, they will need to read to make it in the world. In addition, it’s our job as teachers to help coax our students to read, and hopefully even show them the joys of reading…

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Graphic Novels Your First and Second Graders Will Love

Graphic novels are a great option for both reluctant readers, “typical” readers, and advanced readers. Here are some favorite graphic novels that your students will love. Why should you let your students read graphic novels? Reading is reading. I’ve written before about how all students are readers, and all books, including audiobooks, are valid. The same goes for graphic novels.…

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