Tag: tech tricks

Google Slides

3 Easy Steps to Quickly Digitize a Worksheet You Already Have

Creating a digital version of a worksheet you already have is relatively simple. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it using Google Slides. Before You Digitize a Worksheet A quick caution. Before you take a worksheet and try to make it digital, make sure you have permission to. Of course, if it’s something you’ve created yourself, go for…

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Google Slides, Writing

3 Ways to Celebrate Your Students’ Writing Digitally

It’s important to celebrate when students complete a writing piece. However, that can be tricky if you’re teaching digitally. Here are 3 simple ways to celebrate students’ published writing digitally. Celebrating when students finish a writing piece is so important that I include it in every week of my writing curriculum. In the classroom, it can be really simple to…

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Google Slides, Writing

Digital Writing Made Easy for K-2: A Year Long Writing Curriculum

Digital writing in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade can present it’s own challenges. With the Year Long Digital Writing Curriculum, you’ll have everything you need to help your students grow as independent, confident writers. Here’s how the curriculum works, as well as a free, week long lesson for you to try. Reach Your Writers Wherever You Are When I…

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