New Teacher Tips: Helpful Resources and Ideas for First Year Teachers

New Teacher Tips: Helpful Resources and Ideas for First Year Teachers

Whether you are a first year teacher or a student teacher, a new teacher or soon to be new teacher, there are probably a lot of things that you still have questions about. As great as the theory is in your college teacher program probably is, there are many things that education programs don’t cover. Student teaching is also a super important and helpful experience, but again, it’s impossible to cover every aspect of what it’s like to be a classroom teacher. So, here is a round up of posts that include helpful ideas, new teacher tips, guides, resources, and encouragement for new teachers.

Student Teaching and Finding a Job

The first step to becoming a teacher is normally student teaching or some kind of practical experience. From there, it’s time to look for your dream teaching job as a first year teacher. Here are some helpful posts to get you ready for those first steps.

Student teacher sitting with a group of students
A woman holding out a cell phone with a light pink background. She looks excited and the phone reads "you're hired!" Underneath is a green background with white text that says "Teacher Interview Tips: How to Land Your Next Teaching Job"
An image of a laptop with a digital teaching portfolio displayed. The top of the page says "Martha Moore" and there's a menu of pages and a video with a smiling teacher. The text reads "How to build a digital portfolio using Google Sites"

General Advice and New Teacher Tips

As a new teacher, there is a lot to learn. Here is some general, practical advice that will make your educations journey easier.

A Teacher in a bright classroom with artwork behind her. She looks stressed and confused and she's shrugging. The text reads "3 mistakes new teachers make (and what to do instead)
A picture of children in a smart phone getting their picture taken with the text What Teachers Need to Know About Student Privacy
woman holding a cell phone text "How to navigate teaching in an instagram world"
4 children looking at an atom model very interested with text that reads The Secret to Creating the Most Meaningful Learning Experiences

Beginning of the School Year

The beginning of the year is both exciting and overwhelming, especially as as first year teacher. Setting yourself up for a good year takes a lot of work in the beginning. Here you will find articles with helpful advice to starting the year off strong.

A picture of a simple classroom with tables and some storage with text that says How to Set Up a Classroom Without Spending a Ton of Money
The back of a teacher with a circle of students around her with the text 5 Teacher Don'ts for the First Day of School
A veteran teaching reading a book to a group of students who look very interested and engaged. The text reads "10 things veteran teachers wish they knew as new teachers""
a teacher reading to a bunch of students with their hands up with text that reads 5 things to keep in mind at the beginning of the school year
Children running away wearing super hero capes with the text "start your year off right by giving students the power to choose"

Classroom Management and Staying Organized

Classroom management is a combination of building relationships, setting clear and consistent expectations that are realistic and students focused, and having an organized and structured classroom so students know what, when, and how to do things. As a new teacher, this can be a tricky balance. Here are some posts that help you do just that.

An image of a female teacher pointing at a sand looking student while the rest of the class looks on underneath green background with white text that says Why Teachers Need to be "Out of Control"
Early finishers in your classroom? Keep them learning and engaged with these 5, simple activities!
Three students smiling at the camera with the text A Comprehensive List of Things Students Can Do Independently
How to create a morning routine that sets your class up for success
A non fiction anchor chart, time anchor chart, and rounding anchor chart with the text Why I Save My Anchor Charts But Never Reuse Them
Expectations in a small group setting can be tricky to maintain. This is how i make it work as a K-5 intervention teaching with multiple groups.

Parent Support and Parent Resources

As the saying goes, parents are the first teachers. While I feel quite strongly that we can not expect parents to do the work for us, we can partner with parents who are able and willing to support our students’ learning. The following articles detail how to do that as well as provide you with resources you can share with parents.

An image of a father, a son, a daughter, and a mother all smiling while doing homework together. The text says "How to Het Parents Invested in Their Children's Learning"
A mom and her two daughters reading with the text Free at home parent's guide for supporting student reading
A dad smiling looking at his daughter who is smiling giving the okay sign. The text says help parents understand new math with this free guide
A child looking at a ladybug in the grass with a magnifying glass with the text 5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Children Think Like Scientists
A picture of a teacher with students around her. They are looking at a laptop with the text What You Should Include In Your Weekly Parent Newsletter
Homework in elementary school: Many teachers, parents, and students feel very strongly about homework. Should you assign homework in elementary school? And, if so, how much? Here's why I've decided I'll never assign homework again. Period.
A collage of different word work activities with the text Free Word Work Support Guide for Parents
A girl and her parents, a dad and mom, writing together. Green background with white text that says Free At Home Parent's Guide for Supporting Student Writing
An image of students sitting at a table with a teaching smiling and looking at a globe. The text says How to Help Parents Understand Why Some History is History
A family with a dad, mom, and two kids sitting around a laptop smiling with the text: Top 5 Ways to Send A Weekly Classroom Newsletter

Reading and Writing

Although I have a lot to say about the topic of literacy, here are four helpful posts to get you started.

A teacher sitting with 3 students with the text What Science Says About Making Sight Words Stick
Children and a teacher sitting around a table with the caption How to Teach Narrative Writing in Kindergarten and First Grade
Children listening to their teacher read a book with the text How to Teach Comprehension with the Science of Reading
What I do instead of guided reading and why it's more effective
Year Long, Cheap, and Engaging Word work and Writing center ideas for your kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classroom! Your students will love these low prep, hands on centers. Perfect for Daily 5.


Again, there’s a lot to say about math, but here are two helpful articles that will set you up on the right foot.

A student smiling with base ten blocks in from of her. Underneath there is text that reads When Should Students Stop Using Math Manipulatives?
Hands on math centers that your students will love and are cheap and easy to use! You can adapt these same centers for different skills throughout the year which makes them the perfect addition to your kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classroom!
A teacher holding a book surrounded by young students with the text New Teacher tips: helpful resources and ideas

Primary Paradise

I have always had a passion for teaching and sharing with others and look forward to sharing my ideas with you!